Character Name:Clara Oswald (Oswin)
Age:(IDK) 20's
Figure: Slim
Eyes: Brown (?)
Hair: Medium lenghth brown
Personality: Clara was a very feisty, brave, clever and warm-hearted woman . She was also very good at looking after children
Job: She travels with the doctor
Family:Mother,Father and grandmother
Home world:Varies/Earth
Likes/Dislikes: Books,science kits - Hair produtcs beatuy produtcs
Strengths/weaknesses:i have no clue
Dream: Clara has a lust for adventure
History:Clara is spread across the doctors time line since (SPOILERS) she went into his timeline to rid said timeline of the great intelgince making her appear everywhere withouth knowing her true self and not remebering her past selves
In one timeline she is a victorian maid in the other a dalek
Other: NO