Ship Application
(Delete everything in (parenthesis) or italics before submitting)
Name of Ship:
Type of ship: Does this ship belong to a certain caste of ships, or model, etc.
Appearance: What does it look like. Images suggested, but not required. Be detailed.
Abilities: What can this ship do exactly? How fast can it go? Can it teleport? Does it have any weaponry or force fields on it? etc
Limitations: What is in its way from being a godmod ship? Whats the gas mileage? How long can the force field be up? Does it have a small air vent that, when shot through, destroys the whole thing?"
Does the Ship Make Noise: Yes or no, and what kind
Origin: Where was this ship created, and who created it, and what was its history
Who uses the ship?: Who is/are the current user(s) of the ship
Other: What else is there for us to know before we can accept your app