(NOTE: You cannot use either one of these as your characters nor can you take specific info from them. These are here to see what I am looking for.)
Character Name: Dakota Hemmel
http://www.google.com/imgres?hl=en&biw=1024&bih=469&tbm=isch&tbnid=9S9dAew_tDPxIM%3A&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fgradeclothing.com%2Fhaeds-thelegendarypaigehyland.html&docid=ILTpZWoIVmf0vM&imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fgradeclothing.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2013%2F12%2Fpretty-girl-with-light-brown-hair-and-blue-eyeshaeds-thelegendarypaigehyland-enid31xl.jpg&w=500&h=486&ei=oUjtUuqQIIHkyAG6oIHYDQ&zoom=1&ved=0CJkBEIQcMBA&iact=rc&dur=639&page=2&start=5&ndsp=15Species: human
Age: 19
Gender: female
Occupation: runaway looking for the Doctor or a job
Status: a regular girl, who knows the Doctor
Hair: a little bit past shoulder-length brown hair. Reddish-brown highlights.
Eyes: blue-gray, depending on the day, greenish blue.
Height: 5'8
Figure: slim, tall, curvy
Other: one scar almost covering the left eye. Heart tattoo on right wrist
Clothing: usually wears jeans and sweatshirts, sneakers.
Info: likes school
Family: Mom and Dad are alive, but not important in her life. They are still together, after years of arguing. Since she ran away when she was eleven, she may have family she doesn't know about.
Personality: Dakota Hemmel is a tomboy, with not interest in jewlery or pretty clothes. She'd much rather be reading than be at a party. She actually likes school, and is the kind of person who really wants to accomplish their dreams.
Strengths: very good at avoiding temptation. Book smart and street-smart
Weaknesses: kinda gullible at times
Likes: reading, singing, writing in general.
Dislikes: mushrooms, annoying people
Dream: that one day she'll meet the Doctor again. Or that she will be a well known scientist.
History: Dakota's parents were very abusive, being drunk all the time. Dakota was too smart to give in to this, and eventually couldn't take it anymore. One day, when she was eleven, Dakota ran away with her best friend Alexa. Dakota is somewhat shy, but once you get to know her, she's really fun to be around. As a kid, she was always quiet, and Dakota didn't have many friends, besides Alexa. Dakota has always done well in school, and science has always been her favorite subject. Dakota isn't really a violent person, always aiming to help people and the enviornment.
Character name: Alexa Layaph
Species: human
Age: 19
Gender: female
occupation: Scientist/ college student
Status: Genius, semi rich
Hair: curly and black/brown
Eyes: Blue green mix
height: 5'7"
Figure: slim
Other: Scars on her hands from a car accident
Clothing: Usually a t-shirt, sweatshirt, and jeans combo.
Family: Alexa's mom Sandy left her when she was one. Her dad Jason brought her up. Sister named Sadie.(12)
Personality: Alexa is very outgoing, and loves to talk to people. She's not a shy person, she is definately an extrovert. Sometimes when she is alone, she can get depressed, and often cries herself to sleep thinking everyone hates her. She loves her family, and even though she doesn't live with them, she calls them often. She loves school, being a genius. She gets excited easily, and it tears her apart when rejected.
Strengths: Incredibly intelligent, computer whiz, is actually strong, great runner
Weaknesses: Tires easily,
Likes: Pizza, flirty guys, computers, school, people, homework, discovering something new, nature, animals
Dislikes: Mushrooms, spinach, bad grades, being dirty
Dream: Alexa s dream is to discover something new. She wants to save the environment, also. Her family supports everything that she wants to do and everything she has already accomplished.
History: Alexa's dad brought her up by himself, never finding another woman to marry. So Alexa never had a mother figure in her life. Alexa skipped 1st grade, 3rd grade, 5th,7th, 9th, 10th, and continues college, being a junior with a science major. Alexa has no idea about anything paranormal or alien, and her best friend Dakota hasn't told her anything about the Doctor. Alexa is mainly a biologist and a geneticist. She met Dakota in the library one afternoon, while studying. They became friends when Dakota asked Alexa to help with some homework. Alexa ended up running away with Dakota and Dakota's siblings.